Our Community

The heartbeat of Elontec resonates in giving back to the community through contributions of Time, Talent, and Treasure.
As employers, we cultivate a culture of service by hiring personnel from charitable organizations and encouraging our staff to actively engage in community service. As a business, we invest in local charities and nonprofit organizations by dedicating time, financial support, and resources, including the use of delivery trucks for local agencies. In her role as CEO, Ginger Clayton serves on multiple boards of directors, educates children about philanthropy, and leads her own nonprofit, the Diaper Bank of Central Arizona. For us, helping others is not just a duty—it’s a way of life, and we aspire to inspire others to embrace serving as a lifestyle.
The Diaper Bank of Central Arizona is operated primarily by volunteers and the Elontec team.
Elontec is the proud home of the Diaper Bank of Central AZ, now known as the AZ Diaper Bank – Central. It was established to help break the cycle of poverty by filling a need in our community with which Ginger Clayton has personal experience. In order to drop children off at daycare, parents must supply caretakers with diapers, yet WIC and other government assistance programs do not cover this expense. In order to empower parents to go to work, the Diaper Bank supplies over a million diapers annually to 35 area agencies that serve families. We motivate children in local school districts to organize efforts to give back through the Elontec School Diaper Challenge to ensure the cycle of giving continues.
Feed My Starving Children
A volunteer food packing event where we assembled over 14,000 meals for hungry bellies in the Philippines.
Kitchen on the Street
This non-profit is one of our favorites as they work with Valley schools helping food insufficient children who go without food over the weekend or school. Over the last ten years we have held food drives, food packing events and have supplied a crew and a truck to deliver over 500,000 bags of hope to the schools who disperse the food to the children in need.
Hurricane Relief
Hurricane relief – Elontec led a one day diaper drive collecting 100,000 diapers that were sent to help families who had been devastated by the hurricanes in Florida and Texas. They were able to partner with BBVA and Mach1 Global for this endeavor.
Special Olympics of Arizona
We send groups of Elontec team members to help during their Summer or Fall Games. We have also created a program where we have hired a Special Olympics athlete as part of a new program.
Homeward Bound
This transitional housing program helps so many Valley families. Our CEO served on this Board of Directors for eleven years, chaired a diaper drive which eventually led to her founding the Diaper Bank of Central Arizona as a program of Homeward Bound initially. We have held movie nights in the park at Homeward Bound, apartment painting projects and most recently participated in furnishing a new teen center on campus.